START: ./rasp.nord_de+1 -M 0 at 06:45 Jan 12 for THU 12 Jan 2023 : process 27473 & perl 5.014002 & $Revision: 2.148 $ $Date: 2009/12/24 07:19:12 $Z FLAGS: LPRINT=3 LGETGRIB=2 LMODELINIT=1 LMODELRUN=2 LSEND=2 LSAVE=0 VARS: BASEDIR=/home/dragos/drjack --- Run parameters were read from file: > ############################################################################# > ################## RUN-ARGUMENT-SPECIFIC RASP PARAMETERS #################### > ############################################################################# > ### For updated information on these model parameters see ### > ### ### > ############################################################################# > ###### SET REGIONS PROCESSED BY THIS RUN > @REGION_DOLIST = ( 'NORD_DE+1' ); > ###### SET MODEL USED FOR DOWNLOADED GRIB FILES > ### ( USA=ETA WORLD=GFSA/GFSN ) > $GRIBFILE_MODEL = 'GFSN' ; ### must agree with INIT_ROOT,LBC_ROOT in ../WRF/WRFSI/domains/REGIONXYZ/static/ and if windowed run also in WRF/WRFSI/domains/REGIONXYZ-WINDOW/static/ > #alternate $GRIBFILE_MODEL = 'GFSA' ; > #alternate ### for GFSA run, following specifies a lat/lon box which must cover the model domain (values below valid for NORD_DE+1 region only) > #alternate $GRIB_LEFT_LON = 10 ; $GRIB_RIGHT_LON = 32 ; $GRIB_BOTTOM_LAT = -41 ; $GRIB_TOP_LAT = -23 ; > ###### SET OPTIONAL WEBSITE FILE CREATION (can be bypassed by certain run arguments) > ### $LSEND= 0 = images produced only in local "RASP/RUN/OUT" subdirectory > ## 1 = copy images to web directory using filenames pre-pended with "test" > ## 2 = copy images to web directory using normal filenames > ## -1,-2 = ftp images to remote server (NOT OPERATIONALLY TESTED) > ## 3 = also do firstofday processing (NOT IMPLEMENTED) > ### uses test so will not overwrite if set by run argument > if( not defined $LSEND ) { $LSEND = 2; } > ###### SET OPTIONAL ARCHIVE FILE CREATION (can be bypassed by certain run arguments) > ### $LSAVE= 0 = inhibits all archive saves to preserve disk space > ## 1 = saves data files (for a single forecast hour only) - uses least disk space > ## 2 = saves data files and images (for a single forecast hour only) - uses much less disk space than $LSAVE=2 > ## 3 = saves data files and image files (for a single forecast hour only) and initial condition files to a storage directory > ### uses test so will not overwrite if set by run argument > if( not defined $LSAVE ) { $LSAVE = 0; } > ################################################################## > ############# START OF REGION DEPENDENT PARAMETERS ############# > #$LFIXEDCOLOR=1;# is it here the right place for this option?? > ###### SET RUN TYPE > ### LRUN_WINDOW 0= no_windowing 2= windowing_run > $LRUN_WINDOW{'NORD_DE+1'} = 0 ; > #ACTIVATE THE NEXT LINE TO PRODUCE 2-STAGE RUN: > #for2stage: $LRUN_WINDOW{'NORD_DE+1'} = 2 ; > ###### SET BASIC PARAMETER LIST > #@{$PARAMETER_DOLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}} = ( 'hbl','dbl','hwcrit','dwcrit','wstar','bsratio', 'sfcsunpct','sfcshf', 'blwind','sfcwind', 'zsfclcl','zsfclcldif','zsfclclmask', 'zblcl','zblcldif','zblclmask','blcwbase', 'boxwmax','press850','press700','press500', 'bltopvariab','bltopwind','wblmaxmin','zwblmaxmin', 'blwindshear', 'sfctemp','sfcdewpt', 'cape', 'wstar_bsratio','blcloudpct' ); > # hbl Height of BL top * > # dbl BL depth ** > # hwcrit Height of critical updraft strength * > # dwcrit Depth of critical updraft strength ** > # wstar Thermal updraft velocity ** > # bsratio Boyancy / Shear ratio *** > # sfcsunpct Normalized surface solar radiation * > # sfcshf Surface heating ** > # blwind Boundary layer wind *- > # sfcwind Surface wind ** > # zsfclcl Cumulus cloudbase > # zsfclcldif Cumulus potential > # zsfclclmask Cumulus cloudbase where zsfclcldif > 0 ** > # zblcl Overcast development cloudbase > # zblcldif Overcast development potential > # zblclmask Overcast cloudbase where zblcldif > 0 ** > # blcloudpct BL cloud cover ? ** > # blcwbase BL explicit cloud base ?? > # boxwmax Wind || section at max vert velo * > # press850 Vert vel and wind at 850mb (1500m) * > # press700 Vert vel and wind at 700mb (3000m) * > # press500 Vert vel and wind at 500mb (5000m) > # bltopvariab BL top uncertainty ** > # bltopwind BL top wind ** > # wblmaxmin BL max vertical motion * > # zwblmaxmin MSL height of maxim WBL ?? > # blwindshear BL vertical wind shear ** > # sfctemp Surface temperature ** > # sfcdewpt Surface dew point * > # cape Convective Available Potential Energy * > # wstar_bsratio Thermal updraft velocity & bsratio *** > # > # hglider Maximum Thermalling Height (includes cloud base limitations) ? > # experimental1 experimental2 ?? > # > # 'wrf=RAINC' sau 'wrf_RAINC'? ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION (mm) drjack/UTIL/NETCDF/bin/ncdump WRF/WRFV2/RASP/NORD_DE+1/wrfout_d02_2014-05-08_03\:00\:00|grep description> params.txt > # 'wrf=RAINNC' ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION (mm) > # > #"xbl_?LON?_?LAT?_?MAPANGLE?" (e.g. 'xbl_-121.2_36.6_45') section > @{$PARAMETER_DOLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}} = ( 'wstar_bsratio','wstar','bsratio','dwcrit','hwcrit','zsfclcldif','zblcldif','zsfclclmask','zblclmask','bltopvariab','cape','sfcshf','blcloudpct','sfctemp','sfcdewpt','blwind','sfcwind','bltopwind','blwindshear','wblmaxmin','boxwmax','sfcsunpct','hbl','dbl','press500','blcwbase','zsfclcl'); > ###### ADD POSSIBLE SOUNDINGS (corresponding data must be set in file ../WRF/NCL/ > #4soundings: > push @{$PARAMETER_DOLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}}, ( 'sounding1','sounding2','sounding3' ); > push @{$PARAMETER_DOLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}}, ( 'mslpress','hglider','rain1' ); > # 'xbl_24.8_45.6_0.0' fagaras NS over pitesti > # topoloveni (lon, lat) = (25.09, 44.79) > # 'xbl_25.09_44.79_-20.0' topoloveni - moldoveanu > # push @{$PARAMETER_DOLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}}, ('xbl_24.8_45.6_0.0','xbl_25.09_44.79_-17.0','press700'); > push @{$PARAMETER_DOLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}}, ('xbl_10.55_52.32_0.0','press700','xbl_10.55_52.32_-45.0','press850'); > # for 'rain1' changes made in rasp.ncl and rasp.bparam_resources.ncl (search for ;DC;) > ###### SET GRID LOCAL TIME > $LOCALTIME_ID{'NORD_DE+1'} = 'LST' ; > $LOCALTIME_ADJ{'NORD_DE+1'} = +2 ; > ###### SET GRIB FILE PROCESSING > ### GRIBFILES_PER_FORECAST_PERIOD IS NUMBER OF GRIB FILES PROCESSED AT SAME TIME > #12_hr: > $GRIBFILES_PER_FORECAST_PERIOD{'NORD_DE+1'} = 6 ; > ### BLIPMAPFILEDOLIST LISTS ALL GRIB FILES NEEDED > %GRIBFILE_DOLIST = > ( > # grib files for nZ+m UTC become available at about > # n+3 UTC (n+6 local summer time for Romania) > # on tardis one non-windowed run 2.2km with 64 bit wrf.exe takes about > # 4 hours. That mesns that for n=0 plots are ready at best at 10 local. > # not good enough for the current day, so we start the run in the > # evening of the previous day (say, 23:00 local) and use n=18: > #'NORD_DE+1' => [ '18Z+9','18Z+12','18Z+15','18Z+18','18Z+21' ], > ##'NORD_DE+1' => [ '12Z+16','12Z+19','12Z+22','12Z+25','12Z+28' ], > #4immediaterun: > # 'NORD_DE+1' => [ '0Z+3','0Z+6','0Z+9','0Z+12','0Z+15','0Z+18' ], > #4next(current+1)day: 'NORD_DE+1' => [ '0Z+27','0Z+30','0Z+33','0Z+36','0Z+39' ], > # once-daily 12hr: 'NORD_DE+1' => [ '18Z+9','18Z+12','18Z+15','18Z+18','18Z+21' ], > #DC# for the day after tomorrow if run is started today evening: > #'NORD_DE+1' => [ '18Z+33','18Z+36','18Z+39','18Z+42','18Z+45' ], > # if the run is started in the morning (say, 06:00 local) tor tomorrow: > #'NORD_DE+1' => [ '0Z+27','0Z+30','0Z+33','0Z+36','0Z+39' ], > #DC# for the next day: > #'NORD_DE+1' => [ '18Z+33','18Z+36','18Z+39','18Z+42','18Z+45' ], > 'NORD_DE+1' => [ '0Z+27','0Z+30','0Z+33','0Z+36','0Z+39','0Z+42' ], > > ); > ###### SET DOMAIN PARAMETERS FOR STAGE1 [NON-WINDOW] ITERATION > $FORECAST_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 15; # used only by initialization programs > ### SET DOMAIN START/END TIMES > $DOMAIN1_STARTHH{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = '03'; #'03' # must have grib file available for this time > $DOMAIN1_ENDHH{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = '18'; #'15' > $DOMAIN2_START_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 0; # if non-zero, must set namelist.template INPUT_FROM_FILE=false > $DOMAIN2_END_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 0; # relative to domain1 > $DOMAIN3_START_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 360; # if non-zero, must set namelist.template INPUT_FROM_FILE=false > $DOMAIN3_END_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = -180 ; # relative to domain1 > ### SET MODEL TIME STEP > #DC#$DOMAIN1_TIMESTEP{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 225.; # over-rides namelist.template TIME_STEP > $DOMAIN1_TIMESTEP{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 30.; > ### SET BOUNDARY UPDATE PERIODS > $BOUNDARY_UPDATE_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 3; # used only by initialization programs > $NDOWN_BOUNDARY_UPDATE_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[0] = 0 ; # should always be 0 for non-windowed case > ### SET BLIPMAP IMAGE SIZES - 1st,2nd value for 1st,2nd domain - blank=NOplot > @{$PLOT_IMAGE_SIZE{'NORD_DE+1'}[0]} = ( '', '800x800' ); > ### SET HISTORY HOUR FOR IMAGES PLOTTED WHEN $PLOT_IMAGE_SIZE FOR THAT DOMAIN NOT BLANK > #@{$PLOT_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[0]} = ( '0300', '0400', '0500', '0600', '0700', '0800', '0900', '1000', '1100', '1200', '1300', '1400', '1500' ); > @{$PLOT_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[0]} = ( '0400', '0500', '0600', '0700', '0800', '0900', '1000', '1100', '1200', '1300', '1400', '1500', '1600', '1700'); > ### CREATE WEBSITE IMAGE LOOP > #@{$PLOT_LOOP_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[0]} = ( 'title', '0300', '0400', '0500', '0600', '0700', '0800', '0900', '1000', '1100', '1200', '1300', '1400', '1500' ); > @{$PLOT_LOOP_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[0]} = ( 'title', '0400', '0500', '0600', '0700', '0800', '0900', '1000', '1100', '1200', '1300', '1400', '1500', '1600', '1700' ); > ### SET HISTORY HOUR FOR IMAGES SAVED WHEN LSAVE>0 AND $PLOT_IMAGE_SIZE FOR THAT DOMAIN NOT BLANK > @{$SAVE_PLOT_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[0]} = ( '1200' ) ; > ###### SET DOMAIN PARAMETERS FOR STAGE2 [WINDOWED] ITERATION (not used if no windowing done) > #3hr: > $FORECAST_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 3; > #6hr: $FORECAST_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 6; > ### SET DOMAIN START/END TIMES > #3hr: > $DOMAIN1_STARTHH{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = '09'; # must have grib file available at this time > #6hr: $DOMAIN1_STARTHH{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = '09'; # must have grib file available at or prior to this time > #3hr: > $DOMAIN1_ENDHH{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = '12'; > #6hr: $DOMAIN1_ENDHH{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = '15'; > $DOMAIN2_START_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 0; # if non-zero, must set namelist.template INPUT_FROM_FILE=false > $DOMAIN2_END_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 0; # relative to domain1 > $DOMAIN3_START_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 0; # if non-zero, must set namelist.template INPUT_FROM_FILE=false > $DOMAIN3_END_DELTAMINS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 0; # relative to domain1 > ### SET MODEL TIME STEP > #DC#$DOMAIN1_TIMESTEP{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 75.; # over-rides namelist.template TIME_STEP > $DOMAIN1_TIMESTEP{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 10.; > ### SET BOUNDARY UPDATE PERIODS > $BOUNDARY_UPDATE_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 1; > ### NDOWN_BOUNDARY_UPDATE_PERIODHRS must agree with stage 1 output interval (in hours) > $NDOWN_BOUNDARY_UPDATE_PERIODHRS{'NORD_DE+1'}[1] = 1 ; > ### SET BLIPMAP IMAGE SIZES - 1st,2nd value for 1st,2nd domain - blank=NOplot > @{$PLOT_IMAGE_SIZE{'NORD_DE+1'}[1]} = ( '', '800x800' ); > ### SET HISTORY HOUR FOR IMAGES PLOTTED WHEN $PLOT_IMAGE_SIZE FOR THAT DOMAIN NOT BLANK > #3hr: > @{$PLOT_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[1]} = ( '1200' ); > #6hr: @{$PLOT_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[1]} = ( '1200','1500' ); > ### CREATE WEBSITE IMAGE LOOP > @{$PLOT_LOOP_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[1]} = ( ); > ### SET HISTORY HOUR FOR IMAGES SAVED WHEN LSAVE>0 AND $PLOT_IMAGE_SIZE FOR THAT DOMAIN NOT BLANK > @{$SAVE_PLOT_HHMMLIST{'NORD_DE+1'}[1]} = ( '1200' ) ; > ############## END OF REGION DEPENDENT PARAMETERS ############## > ################################################################## > ########## ADDITIONS MUST BE MADE ABOVE THIS LINE ########## > ################################################################## > 1.; --- SITE ALTERATIONS were read from file: > ############################################################################ > ############### THIS FILE READ AFTER NORMAL PARAMETERS SET ############### > ############### SO CAN BE USED TO ALTER THEM ############### > ############### (utilizes perl coding) ############### > ############################################################################ > > ############ SITE-SPECIFIC PARAMETERS FOLLOW ################## > > ### EMAIL ADDRESS where fatal error messages are sent (when std.err file not empty) > ### also used for anonymous ftp login password so CANNOT BE BLANK! > ## $ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS = ''; > $ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESS = ''; > > ### ERROR MESSAGES TO BE REPORTED TO ADMIN VIA EMAIL > ### activate any errors you wish to be advised of via email > ### * REPORT FAILIURE OF WRF FORECAST PROGRAM wrf.exe > # $ADMIN_EMAIL{'WRF_EXECUTION'} = 1 ; > ### * REPORT TIMEOUT FAILIURE OF NCL PLOTTING PROGRAM > # $ADMIN_EMAIL{'NCL_TIMEOUT'} = 1 ; > ### * REPORT FAILIURE TO FIND EXPECTED FINAL IMAGE FILE AT JOB END > # $ADMIN_EMAIL{'JOBEND_IMAGE'} = 1 ; > $NCLTIMEOUTSEC = 1800; > $ncltimeoutsec = 1800; > ### ALTER NUMBER OF CPUS from default=2 (which is also ok for 1 cpu) > $NCPUS = 4; > # $NCPUS = 1; > > ################################################################# > ###### PUT LOCAL SITE PARAMETERS CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE ###### > ################################################################# > > ################################################################# > ###### ADDITIONS MUST BE MADE ABOVE THIS LINE ###### > ################################################################# > 1.; RUNDATE= THU 12 Jan 2023 JULIANDAY= 012 NORD_DE+1 GRIBFILE_DOLIST= ( 0Z+27 0Z+30 0Z+33 0Z+36 0Z+39 0Z+42 ) Scheduled availability: 0Z+27 @ 03:34Z Scheduled availability: 0Z+30 @ 03:35Z Scheduled availability: 0Z+33 @ 03:37Z Scheduled availability: 0Z+36 @ 03:38Z Scheduled availability: 0Z+39 @ 03:39Z Scheduled availability: 0Z+42 @ 03:40Z filenamedolist= 0Z+27 => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027 filenamedolist= 0Z+30 => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030 filenamedolist= 0Z+33 => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033 filenamedolist= 0Z+36 => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036 filenamedolist= 0Z+39 => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039 filenamedolist= 0Z+42 => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042 FILENAMEdolist count = 6 filename= 0 0Z+27 1 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027 filename= 1 0Z+30 1 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030 filename= 2 0Z+33 1 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033 filename= 3 0Z+36 1 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036 filename= 4 0Z+39 1 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039 filename= 5 0Z+42 1 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042 Begin CYCLE loop over Time/Filename CYCLE: TOP 1/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 PS: 27473 20 0 7.0 0.0 6260 9304 8222 4 32888 SCHEDULED GETGRIB: 1 trialfile = 0Z+27 (0) => gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027 0Z+27: pre-grib-download rm of previous grib file: rm: cannot remove `/home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/GFSN/GRIB/*gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027': No such file or directory 0Z+27: FTP REQUEST /home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/UTIL/ at 06:45:020Z+27: call child gribftpget routine: 900 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027 pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20230112/00 CYCLE: TOP 2/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 -> 0Z+27 CHILDFTP 27627 06:45:02 1/60 >> GRIBARCHIVEGET LOOP TOP: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027 PS: 27473 20 0 7.0 0.0 6384 9384 8253 4 33012 SCHEDULED GETGRIB: 1 trialfile = 0Z+30 (0) => gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030 0Z+30: pre-grib-download rm of previous grib file: rm: cannot remove `/home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/GFSN/GRIB/*gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030': No such file or directory 0Z+30: FTP REQUEST /home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/UTIL/ at 06:45:020Z+30: call child gribftpget routine: 900 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030 pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20230112/00 CYCLE: TOP 3/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 -> 0Z+30 CHILDFTP 27646 06:45:02 1/60 >> GRIBARCHIVEGET LOOP TOP: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030 PS: 27473 20 0 7.0 0.0 6384 9384 8253 4 33012 SCHEDULED GETGRIB: 1 trialfile = 0Z+33 (0) => gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033 0Z+33: pre-grib-download rm of previous grib file: rm: cannot remove `/home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/GFSN/GRIB/*gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033': No such file or directory 0Z+33: FTP REQUEST /home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/UTIL/ at 06:45:020Z+33: call child gribftpget routine: 900 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033 pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20230112/00 CYCLE: TOP 4/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 -> 0Z+33 CHILDFTP 27666 06:45:02 1/60 >> GRIBARCHIVEGET LOOP TOP: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033 PS: 27473 20 0 8.0 0.0 6384 9384 8253 4 33012 SCHEDULED GETGRIB: 1 trialfile = 0Z+36 (0) => gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036 0Z+36: pre-grib-download rm of previous grib file: rm: cannot remove `/home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/GFSN/GRIB/*gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036': No such file or directory 0Z+36: FTP REQUEST /home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/UTIL/ at 06:45:020Z+36: call child gribftpget routine: 900 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036 pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20230112/00 -> 0Z+36 CHILDFTP 27687 06:45:02 1/60 >> GRIBARCHIVEGET LOOP TOP: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036 CYCLE: TOP 5/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 PS: 27473 20 0 8.0 0.0 6384 9388 8253 4 33012 SCHEDULED GETGRIB: 1 trialfile = 0Z+39 (0) => gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039 0Z+39: pre-grib-download rm of previous grib file: rm: cannot remove `/home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/GFSN/GRIB/*gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039': No such file or directory 0Z+39: FTP REQUEST /home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/UTIL/ at 06:45:020Z+39: call child gribftpget routine: 900 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039 pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20230112/00 -> 0Z+39 CHILDFTP 27709 06:45:02 1/60 >> GRIBARCHIVEGET LOOP TOP: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039 CYCLE: TOP 6/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 PS: 27473 20 0 9.0 0.0 6384 9388 8253 4 33012 SCHEDULED GETGRIB: 1 trialfile = 0Z+42 (0) => gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042 0Z+42: pre-grib-download rm of previous grib file: rm: cannot remove `/home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/GFSN/GRIB/*gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042': No such file or directory 0Z+42: FTP REQUEST /home/dragos/drjack/RASP/RUN/UTIL/ at 06:45:020Z+42: call child gribftpget routine: 900 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042 pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/gfs.20230112/00 -> 0Z+42 CHILDFTP 27732 06:45:02 1/60 >> GRIBARCHIVEGET LOOP TOP: gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042 CYCLE: TOP 7/708 0.0/23.6hr 00(00/06) - last= at 06:45:02 PS: 27473 20 0 9.0 0.0 6384 9388 8253 4 33012 PAUSE CYCLE LOOP FOR 180 sec -> 0Z+27 CHILDFTP 27627 06:45:06 1/60 -->> **ERROR** GRIBARCHIVEGET UNEXPECTED RC = 15360 => 60 & 0 - SCRIPT EXITED -> 0Z+42 CHILDFTP 27732 06:45:06 1/60 -->> **ERROR** GRIBARCHIVEGET UNEXPECTED RC = 15360 => 60 & 0 - SCRIPT EXITED -> 0Z+30 CHILDFTP 27646 06:45:06 1/60 -->> **ERROR** GRIBARCHIVEGET UNEXPECTED RC = 15360 => 60 & 0 - SCRIPT EXITED -> 0Z+39 CHILDFTP 27709 06:45:06 1/60 -->> **ERROR** GRIBARCHIVEGET UNEXPECTED RC = 15360 => 60 & 0 - SCRIPT EXITED -> 0Z+36 CHILDFTP 27687 06:45:06 1/60 -->> **ERROR** GRIBARCHIVEGET UNEXPECTED RC = 15360 => 60 & 0 - SCRIPT EXITED -> 0Z+33 CHILDFTP 27666 06:45:06 1/60 -->> **ERROR** GRIBARCHIVEGET UNEXPECTED RC = 15360 => 60 & 0 - SCRIPT EXITED GRIB FULL_Download 06:45:02 - 06:48:02 PT = 3.0 min for gfs.20230112/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042[] & -1 b = -0 Kb/s @ NEW_GRIB_FILE_RECEIVED : 06:48:02 01(00/06) 0Z+42 => curr+1. 18Z gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f042 Removed yesterday's grib_prep output file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/extprd/GFSN:2023-01-12_18 Grib Prep using 2023011318 *** ERROR: successtest=0 != 1 => error reported in log file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/log/gp_GFSN.2023011318.log - STDERR= Check for needed NORD_DE+1 files of rungroup 1 found 1/6 received with 0 grib_prep success at 06:48:02 GRIB_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE : 06:48:02 GRIB FULL_Download 06:45:02 - 06:48:02 PT = 3.0 min for gfs.20230112/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039[] & -1 b = -0 Kb/s @ NEW_GRIB_FILE_RECEIVED : 06:48:02 02(01/06) 0Z+39 => curr+1. 15Z gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f039 Removed yesterday's grib_prep output file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/extprd/GFSN:2023-01-12_15 Grib Prep using 2023011315 *** ERROR: successtest=0 != 1 => error reported in log file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/log/gp_GFSN.2023011315.log - STDERR= Check for needed NORD_DE+1 files of rungroup 1 found 2/6 received with 0 grib_prep success at 06:48:02 GRIB_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE : 06:48:02 GRIB FULL_Download 06:45:02 - 06:48:02 PT = 3.0 min for gfs.20230112/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036[] & -1 b = -0 Kb/s @ NEW_GRIB_FILE_RECEIVED : 06:48:02 03(02/06) 0Z+36 => curr+1. 12Z gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f036 Removed yesterday's grib_prep output file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/extprd/GFSN:2023-01-12_12 Grib Prep using 2023011312 *** ERROR: successtest=0 != 1 => error reported in log file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/log/gp_GFSN.2023011312.log - STDERR= Check for needed NORD_DE+1 files of rungroup 1 found 3/6 received with 0 grib_prep success at 06:48:02 GRIB_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE : 06:48:02 GRIB FULL_Download 06:45:02 - 06:48:02 PT = 3.0 min for gfs.20230112/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033[] & -1 b = -0 Kb/s @ NEW_GRIB_FILE_RECEIVED : 06:48:02 04(03/06) 0Z+33 => curr+1. 9Z gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f033 Removed yesterday's grib_prep output file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/extprd/GFSN:2023-01-12_09 Grib Prep using 2023011309 *** ERROR: successtest=0 != 1 => error reported in log file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/log/gp_GFSN.2023011309.log - STDERR= Check for needed NORD_DE+1 files of rungroup 1 found 4/6 received with 0 grib_prep success at 06:48:02 GRIB_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE : 06:48:02 GRIB FULL_Download 06:45:02 - 06:48:02 PT = 3.0 min for gfs.20230112/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030[] & -1 b = -0 Kb/s @ NEW_GRIB_FILE_RECEIVED : 06:48:02 05(04/06) 0Z+30 => curr+1. 6Z gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f030 Removed yesterday's grib_prep output file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/extprd/GFSN:2023-01-12_06 Grib Prep using 2023011306 *** ERROR: successtest=0 != 1 => error reported in log file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/log/gp_GFSN.2023011306.log - STDERR= Check for needed NORD_DE+1 files of rungroup 1 found 5/6 received with 0 grib_prep success at 06:48:02 GRIB_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE : 06:48:02 GRIB FULL_Download 06:45:02 - 06:48:02 PT = 3.0 min for gfs.20230112/00/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027[] & -1 b = -0 Kb/s @ NEW_GRIB_FILE_RECEIVED : 06:48:02 06(05/06) 0Z+27 => curr+1. 3Z gfs.20230112/00 gfs.t00z.pgrb2.0p50.f027 Removed yesterday's grib_prep output file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/extprd/GFSN:2023-01-12_03 Grib Prep using 2023011303 *** ERROR: successtest=0 != 1 => error reported in log file /home/dragos/drjack/WRF/WRFSI/extdata/log/gp_GFSN.2023011303.log - STDERR= Check for needed NORD_DE+1 files of rungroup 1 found 6/6 received with 0 grib_prep success at 06:48:02 GRIB_FILE_PROCESSING_COMPLETE : 06:48:02 LOOP-END CYCLE EXIT: OKtimescount = DOfilecount = 6 Doing BLIP - call final blip processing FINALPROCESSING-TESTING finalprocessing0 0 UN-PROCESSED TIMES AT FINAL PROCESSING: PROCESSED BUT UNSUCCESFUL TIMES AT FINAL PROCESSING: 06:48 : END ./rasp.nord_de+1 for NORD_DE+1 & -M on THU 12 Jan 2023 : process 27473 (runhr= 0.0/23.6 cycle=7/708 files=6/6)